Health & Safety Protocols for Camps


All policies and protocols are subject to revision and withdrawal as restrictions from local government change or are lifted.


Staff Training 

CORE Coaching staff will be trained on all new safety protocols. 

Limited Capacity & Group Numbers

The capacity for our Camps is limited to 16 children per group. To limit exposure to others, no persons other than the participants and CORE Coaches will be allowed to remain at camp. 

Camp Operations

Arrival / Check In Procedures:

All participants must be registered and granted email confirmation prior to the start of camp. No participants will be allowed to register on-site at check in. 

A check-in will be set up at each location. Once your family is called forward to check-in, the process will be touchless. Before being admitted to camp, each participant will have their temperature taken via a contactless thermometer. Any child or coach whose temperature is below 100.3℉ will be permitted to enter. If your child’s temperature is above 100.3℉, they cannot attend camp until the fever has subsided without fever-reducing drugs for 48 hours. 

Personal belongings will be checked for the participant’s name (explained in further detail below). All campers will be required to apply hand sanitizer upon entry. 

Only one adult per family is permitted to check-in the participant. If checking in 2+ siblings, a second adult will be permitted, if necessary. 


All CORE coaches are required to self-assess and stay home if they experience any COVID-related symptoms, primarily coughing or fever. Any CORE Coach displaying signs of illness while at CORE Camp will be instructed to go home. 

If any camper begins to display signs of illness while at CORE Camp, she or he will be removed from the group to wait for pick up at an appropriate distance (6ft) from the group. Parents will be notified to pick up the child immediately. A doctor’s note is required to return to camp after the symptoms have subsided without fever-reducing drugs for 48 hours.


To minimize the risk of leaving items, participants will only be allowed to bring the following items, all of which must be labeled with their full name:

  • Water Bottle

  • Snack

  • Lunch

  • Snack/Lunch Box

  • Backpack

  • Sunscreen (stick form recommended for easy application)

  • Jacket

  • Hat

  • EpiPen or Benadryl, if necessary 

Please leave ALL toys and additional items at home.

As campers arrive, they will be instructed to leave their belongings on the appropriate table. 

Equipment (usage & sanitization)

Many games will incorporate various CORE equipment, including dodgeballs, basketballs, soccer balls, etc. which may be shared or passed around at any time. Before camp begins and after camp ends, all equipment will be properly cleaned and sanitized with disinfectant.

Please note that many signature CORE games like dodgeball will require equipment to be touched by multiple campers. While we will limit the number of games that require shared equipment or touching other participants, some of these games will be played to ensure that we are able to provide participants with the level of excitement and enjoyment of CORE Camp as they have grown to expect. 


Each child will receive clean jersey(s) at the start of each program day to be worn throughout that program day, only. At the end of each program day, jerseys will be collected by the coaches and washed. Participants will receive clean jersey(s) the following day.  

Sanitary Practices

CORE Coaches will have disinfectant wipes on hand for personal use and for some designated equipment. However, we encourage all families to provide their children with personal disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer, as well.

Participants and CORE Coaches will be required to wash their hands before and after any game that requires contact; the same protocols apply to snack break. 

CORE Coaches will discourage participants from touching their faces. If a participant accidentally touches their face, the kids will cease playing and a verbal reminder will be given to the group. These incidents will be approached as a learning opportunity. 

Requirements for wearing face coverings will follow local government guidelines. CORE Coaches will be provided with a face covering to wear should regulations require it. In the case that local government guidelines do not require face coverings, CORE Coaches may wear face coverings at their discretion. Face masks for participants will be required for entry and when we are not playing games. Face masks worn during physical activity are OPTIONAL.

Sunscreen Application

Participants should arrive with sunscreen already applied.


To avoid participants sifting through our treasure boxes, we will not be handing out prizes. As always, we will do our best to model the idea that external rewards are not necessary and participation in physical activity should be for personal enjoyment. 

CORE Bands

We will still continue to award CORE Bands to our participants. CORE Bands will be sanitized beforehand. Recipients of CORE Bands will pick-up, rather than be given, their bands.

Social Distancing

Due to the nature of children, camp operations, and camp activities, we cannot ensure a minimum distance of 6 feet between participants and CORE Coaches at all times. CORE Coaches will do their best to encourage space between participants when possible.


Over the years, CORE has created an environment of kindness and caring through interpersonal interactions, which is often embodied in our participants by showing their affection for one another. We will do our best to prevent unnecessary contact with and between participants. For example, CORE Coaches and participants will use “air” high fives or other non-touch forms of greeting and acknowledgement.


Please CONTACT US with any additional questions or concerns.