Recreate The Recess Experience & Build Better Play Time!

What is the Recess Enrichment Program?

Recess Revamp: an Organized Sustainable Recess Solution for Your School

Recess Revamp is proprietary to CORE Athletics. By employing Social and Emotional Learning tactics, Recess Revamp exposes students to the joys, excitement, and benefits of being physically active in a safe and fun learning environment while also developing critical social skills such as appropriate interactions, teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution.

Through the guidance and mentorship of CORE Coaches, Recess Revamp empowers students and faculty to co-create a thriving recess culture built on trust, collaboration, responsible decision making, and educational excellence.

Why Do a Recess Revamp at Your School?

The Current Recess & Physical Education Landscape

Over the past 2.5 years, students have experienced unprecedented circumstances that altered the traditional in-person learning environment and interfered with formative social experiences. As an extension of the classroom learning experience, Recess is a critical part of a child’s social and emotional development process, providing supplementary opportunities to learn and develop across a spectrum: physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

Cut Backs in Physical Education Prove detrimental to Child Development

As students return to school, cutbacks and reductions to Recess and Physical Education programs are occurring. This could not come at a worse time as there is no doubt that physical activity and fitness are important for the healthy development of a child.

“Exercise, games, time outdoors and other hallmarks of PE can play a key role in helping students readjust to in-person school, especially after a year that’s left many students stressed and out of shape.”

Addressing the Social Challenges of Recess

Recess can present social challenges for children. Without insightful adult supervision and oversight, Recess can become an exclusionary, unfair, and uncomfortable environment for some children.

The result: social anxiety, a decrease in self-esteem and confidence, and other adverse developmental effects.

Kids learn important communication skills during recess with situations that require cooperation, problem solving, negotiation, and compromise. Furthermore, adaptation and coping skills, including perseverance and self-control, are required during these interactions.

Recess Revamp Benefits





Let’s Work Together to Course Correct Recess

We Collaborate With Your Team to Create an organized sustainable recess system focused on continued child development

Recess Revamp Components

Reinforce the Fun of Group Play & Socialization

Insightful Supervision & Expert Coaching

Team Building Activities & Team Challenges

Creative Games & Inclusive Activities

Expert Coaching & Mentorship

We reinforce the joy of play, create a positive environment for individual & group growth & development, strive to develop a lifelong affinity for healthy physical activity, and instill and strengthen important character values.

How It Works

We Collaborate with You to develop your school’s custom recess solution

  1. We meet with you at your school to learn about your school DNA, current landscape & recess environment.

  2. We assess your needs & provide a comprehensive Recess Revamp recommendation, including staff development and mentorship.

  3. We develop a custom game plan specifically for your school that includes a reasonable program timeline, goals, and budget.

  4. We collaborate with your staff to seamlessly integrate and implement a longterm sustainable recess solution at your school.

Each Custom Recess Revamp Solution…

Incorporates your school values alongside CORE Values – sportsmanship, teamwork, respect, leadership & resilience.

Is run by highly-trained CORE Coaches, who dually work in collaboration with school staff and directly oversee Recess.

Recess Revamp is Built on the CORE C.A.I.R.S Pillars

Recess Revamp teaches children accountability by establishing program-participant expectations, inspires creativity through game adaptations, creates fairness through game rules, and empowers individual choice by providing children the opportunity to choose their activity option.